React Plugin Library

Plugin Installation Instructions

  1. Click the download link for any plugin you would like to use.
  2. Save the plugin to your computer.
  3. Log into your React website builder.
  4. On the left navigation, go to Plugins.
  5. Click in the grey area at the top to open a Browse window on your computer.
  6. Select the downloaded plugin from your computer, from step #2 above.

Calendar Plugin

The Calendar plugin provides an interactive interface for your viewers to find events.  Events are configured within your Dashboard at www.Gun.Rodeo.  To add an event, login and select Calendar -> Add New from the right-hand menu.

Click here to download the Calendar plugin

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Events Plugin

The Events plugin is currently being worked on by our Tech staff.  Check back soon!


Product Chooser

The Product Chooser allows a user to add a product to their shopping cart.  Put it on a page describing an individual product.  The user can select any options within the Chooser, for example color or size.

Click here to download the Product Chooser plugin

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Product Search

The Product Search plugin creates a search box on the page.  A user can enter a #hashtag or product name into the search field and then press Enter.  It will return any matching products.

Click here to download the Product Search plugin

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Products - List

The Products - List plugin provides a tiled interface to view all products, or only those matching the #hashtag search you configure.  The tiles can be clicked on, and the user will go to that product's unique page.

Click here to download the Product-List plugin

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Menu System

The Menu System plugin allows you to create a menu system to use as the top or side navigation of your website. To add/remove menu items, log into your Dashboard at www.Gun.Rodeo. Then select Menu -> Add New from the right-hand menu.

Click here to download the Menu System Plugin

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Gun.RodeoFeed plugin will display a summary list of Rodeos including a brief abstract, including images.  A user can click on any Rodeo within the list and be taken to it.

Click here to download Gun.RodeoFeed plugin

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Gun.Rodeo plugin is the other half of Gun.RodeoFeed plugin above.  This page will display the unique Rodeo after a user has clicked on it in the list.   To create a Rodeo, log into your Dashboard at www.Gun.Rodeo. Then select Rodeo -> Add New from the right-hand menu.

Click here to download Gun.Rodeo plugin

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The The Weather Widget is a handy tool for displaying localized weather on your website.

Click here to download the Weather plugin

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Instagram Plugin

The Instagram plugin is an easy way to highlight most recent Instagram photos on your website.

Click here to download the Instagram plugin

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